We are a Brasília based litigation boutique specialized in white-collar crime, criminal compliance, administrative contracts law, and public bidding. Our mission, since our founding, has been to provide our clients with outstanding legal expertise, litigation, and dispute resolution.
We pride ourselves on being a modern and agile firm always uncompromising to our client's services and needs. We always cautiously seek the best legal strategy and, consequently, the best results. Mainly, we promote these values through a respectful and completely honest dialogue with our clients.
Quem Somos

Pro Bono
We strongly believe in the expression “whoever divides, multiplies”. To that end, we created a pro bono advocacy program, in which we share and make available our entire structure to those who are unable to, without prejudice to their own livelihood, exercise and defend their rights. Pro bono advocacy is a voluntary activity regulated by article 30 of resolution 02/2015, which put into effect the new OAB Code of Ethics and Discipline, and is offered exclusively to those who are in a state of economic under-sufficiency.
The selection of cases will depend on the prior examination of the documentation submitted by the interested party and there will be a limitation of 4 cases per semester.
If you are interested in participating in the program, we provide a form to fill out. In it, you can describe your situation, in addition to attaching documents for initial analysis of the situation. Bernardo Fenelon Advocacia will contact you as soon as possible.

Tell us your case